Inferno Literary Elements

Inferno Literary Elements


A mystery thriller novel

Setting and Context

The action takes place in Florence, Italy, where Robert Langdon tries to reveal secrets about the sinister virus.

Narrator and Point of View

The narrator of this novel is in the third person.

Tone and Mood

Because of many inextricable secrets and puzzles, which the main hero and Sienna try to solve, the novel has a mysterious mood.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The main protagonist is Professor Langdon. The main antagonist is Bertrand Zobrist.

Major Conflict

The main conflict happens between Professor Langdon and Bertrand Zobrist. Bertrand wants to get rid of overpopulation with the help of the virus, but Robert tries to avoid the spreading of the virus and save humanity.


The climax happens when the bag with the virus dissolves in water in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, where Enrico Dandolo is buried.


Robert Langdon predicts the fact that if the virus spreads, the whole humanity will be infected. A part of the population will be barren and people will not be able to multiply. Overpopulation may be eliminated, but at the cost of human life.




This novel alludes to “Inferno” and “The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri. In addition, it alludes to some cities such as Istanbul, Florence and Venice.


Imagery is used very often in descriptions of objects that the characters find in the course of their searches; the detailed descriptions of these help the reader to imagine these things and to create a more vivid picture of the events




In this novel, there is a parallel of good and evil. Robert is good and Bertrand is evil. There is a struggle between them. Good wants to save the humanity, while evil desires to infect it.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

“The Consortium would accomplish this by providing him a fake identity and a secure location, entirely off the grid, where he could do his work in total secrecy—whatever his work might be.”

In this line, “the consortium” is a metonymy as it stands for the staff of this private organization with offices in seven countries.


The virus personifies an evil being and destroyer, whose main goal is to take away a happy life and fill humankind with sufferings and pain.

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