In the First Circle Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Explain how the theme of dictatorship emerges In the First Circle by Alexander Solzhenitsyn?

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn depicts Stalin as a leader who is besmirched by power and he is willing to do anything possible to retain his power. Just like most tyrants, Stalin does not trust any person around him and this makes him even doubt himself. For him, killing is a normal thing to do to anybody who opposes or challenges his rule. His administration has perfected the art of silencing opposition and those human rights activists who try to challenge him. The Russian people are not happy with his rule but they are forced to comply with his administration. One of the fearless critics of Stalin is Volodin and when he discovers some evils of the administration, he comes out confidently to expose the government. However, he is arrested and later sent to the lower prisons where he is tortured and severely punished. Stalin has perfected the art of humiliating opposition to ensure that he remains in power forever.

  2. 2

    How does Alexander Solzhenitsyn use the characters Volodin and Nadya to build the theme of treachery?

    To start with, Volodin is an official in Stalin's administration and he must have taken the oath of being loyal to the government and protecting its interests at all times. However, Volodin is faced with a moral dilemma in which he either remains loyal to the government or disobeys it for the benefit of the Russian citizens. He decides to follow his instincts of standing for the truth when he decides to make a call to the US embassy to expose the evils of the government. He is ready to face consequences but serves the best interests of humanity. Volodin's phone conversation is monitored and he is later arrested to pay for his sins of being disloyal to the authorities. On the other hand, Nadya finds herself in a difficult situation when she is supposed to make a decision of being faithful to her prisoner husband or choose another suitor and move on with life.

  3. 3

    What is the significance of the character Innokentii Artemyevich Volodin In the First Circle?

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn uses the character Innokentii Artemyevich Volodin as the symbol of truth and sacrifice. Volodin joins other like-minded individuals to expose the evils of the government they are serving. The government is oppressive to its citizens. Stalin is a dictator ruler who wants to remain in power forever. Volodin risks his life when he calls the US embassy to expose the evils of the government. Later, he is arrested and punished. Volodin is also a symbol of the innocence of the Russian citizens who are oppressed.

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