In the Afterlight Imagery

In the Afterlight Imagery

Imagery of darkness

Ruby is afraid of darkness, it reminds her of how she lost Jude in the dark, and darkness is where everything good is lost, devoured. Ruby feels anxious every time she is put into the darkness. Darkness is there to emphasize the threatening and nightmarish mood.

Road imagery

Road imagery represents freedom. On the road Ruby and the group feel safe and in charge of themselves, it represents their ability to control their fate and their want to escape. At the end of the novel the group sets out on the open road because of these reasons.

Imagery of letters

Letters are there as a form to find path to each other. Ruby found Zu with the help of letters and signs she left as a trail. Liam wrote a letter to himself in case Ruby is forced to make him forget everything again. If it happens he wants to find his path back to her.

Imagery of rubble

Rubble is present as remnant of the attack and disaster that occurred. All over Los Angeles Ruby sees rubble, chairs, and people's clothes. They serve as a reminder of what is lost.

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