Il Divo Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Il Divo Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Giulo Andreotti gets migraines so often he's constantly searching for a cure to relieve them and has used multiple methods to do so. The headaches are a symbol that Andreotti has both internal and external problems; such ailments nag him over and over to which he is constantly in search of a cure through whatever means necessary in order to maintain his power as Prime Minister of Italy.


Andreotti walks the street at night with armed guards surrounding him on foot and in cars. This is a symbol that he has many enemies and that his life is in danger every moment of the day, even the very early morning hours before most have awoken.

Written on the Wall

Andreotti stops during his walk to read a graffiti text written on a stone wall that reads, "Massacres and conspiracies are the work of Craxi and Andreotti." The graffiti is a symbol that the truth of Andreotti's administration is written on the wall though it has yet to be proven.


Andreotti says that he has an archive bigger than imagination. His archive is a symbol of his power as he uses his vast resources of knowledge about people in order to silence anyone who seeks to come against him.


We hear Andreotti say that he has met approximately 300,000 people in his life and is yet still lonely even in his position of power. This is a symbol that the most powerful, famous people experience the loneliness of a lack of sincere and meaningful connection with people whether self-inflicted or otherwise.

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