If Beale Street Could Talk (film) Cast List

If Beale Street Could Talk (film) Cast List

KiKi Layne

KiKi Layne is an American actress, best known for her performance in If Beale Street Could Talk. From Cincinnati, Ohio, Layne has always wanted to be an actress since she was a child. Beale Street, released in 2018, is sure just the first of many films that Layne will act in. Currently, Layne is working in production of the movie The Old Guard.

Stephan James

Stephan James is a Canadian actor best known for his role in the 2016 film Race, in which he acted as Jesse Owens. James has been acting since he was a teenager, in a variety of different film and TV genres. Some of his most famous productions include Race, Beale Street, and Homecoming.

Ed Skrein

In If Beale Street Could Talk, Skrein plays the hated Officer Bell. In real life, he is a lively person, that has acted in many different films. Perhaps he is most famous for his role as Ajax in Deadpool, but he has also acted in Alita: Battle Angel. Skrein also writes some of his own music.

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