Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why doesn't Roxane Gay think of her body as a part of her?

    Roxane doesn't wish to think of her body as a part of her, because it is so heavily affected by the people around her and their actions. She has no control over it - she had no control over it as she was raped by several people when she was twelve. Therefore, she should not be something that other people can choose to do with as they want. She doesn't think her body represents her either, which is another reason she doesn't want it to be a part of who she is. The person she is is found on her inside.

  2. 2

    What triggered Roxane's weight gain?

    Roxane's weight gain was triggered by a rape she went through and then suppressed. It lead to her becoming sad, depressed and finding comfort in food. Her weight gain shielded her from the on looking eyes of men, and she stopped being wanted.

  3. 3

    What is Roxane searching for?

    Roxane is searching for acceptance. Acceptance from herself - for she still doesn't love her own body - and acceptance from the people around her. She doesn't want her body to define who she is or what she can accomplish, and she doesn't want anyone to look down on her for what she has become.

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