How to Say Babylon Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

How to Say Babylon Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Pants

The pants symbolize oppression and lack of freedom for Jamaican women. All female members of Safiya's family are restricted from wearing pants because that will encourage them to start wearing short dresses. As a result, men command women to wear long dresses that cover their legs and arms. In addition, women are ordered to wear wraps to cover their hair. Consequently, women are oppressed because they are not allowed to do make-up, air their opinions and cannot have friends.


The books given to Safiya by her mother symbolize empowerment. Safiya's mother has suffered a lot under the oppressive rule of her patriarchal husband. Safiya's mother knows that the only way she can help her daughters never to experience male oppression is by educating them. After Safiya reads the books, she becomes informed and knows her rights as a Jamaican woman. Safiya starts to challenge her father when she refuses to follow oppressive orders. Safiya becomes rebellious of the Rastafarian culture and embraces the Western culture called the Babylonian way of life.

The Babylon

The Babylon is a symbol of the influence of the Western culture on the Jamaican people. Throughout the novel, the reader notices that Jamaica is a patriarchal society where women must follow the rules set by men. Jamaican Rastafarians view the Babylonian culture as corrupt and immoral because it empowers women to challenge men, which goes against the Jamaican culture. The Babylonian women in Jamaica are confident, courageous, educated and enterprising. Consequently, the Rastafarian men feel threatened because this new breed of women demands equal rights in every aspect of their lives.

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