Holly Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Holly Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The girls

The girls who are kidnapped and killed by the antagonists of the novel are symbolic of an oppressive patriarchal society that prevents women from being who they are. They are targeted simply because they are women.

The dark arts

The dark arts are symbolic of the dark underbelly of a person and their psyche. The antagonists use the dark arts to harvest energy from women they kidnapped so that they can be eternally young.


The COVID-19 is a powerful symbol for many of isolation and loneliness. Because of COVID-related lockdowns, many people (including Holly Gibney, the novel's protagonist) felt more isolated and lonely because they were forced to be and work by themselves.

Unraveling a mystery

One of the most significant motifs in the novel is a mystery. On a number of occasions, Holly Gibney is able to unravel a mystery that many had previously been unable to. For instance, she uncovers who has been kidnapping and killing the women. She is truly innovative.

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