Hello Beautiful Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Hello Beautiful Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

William Water’s House

William Water's house symbolizes unhappiness. William grows up in a cold family that ignores him throughout his childhood. According to William, his parents are always busy, and when they come home, they do not create time to bond with him. Failure of parents to spend time with their children creates a rift between them. The reader notices that William is not a happy child because he is depressed and lonely. Consequently, William looks forward to the day he will grow and become independent to look for friends.

Julia Padavano

Julia Padavano symbolizes William's awakening. When Julia befriends William in college, he discovers that people can live happily and enjoy every minute of their lives. Julia comes from a close-knit and happy family. William is introduced to the Padavano family and gets an experience he has never felt in his home.


College symbolizes hope for William. In his entire time, William spent most of his time at home lonely. However, attending college gives William hope of living independently away from his parents. The most interesting thing is that after joining college, William no longer feels lonely because he makes friends, interacts with different genders, and plays with teammates. Consequently, college gives William hope for a better future.

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