Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Half-Blood Prince Allegory and Motif

The Half-Blood Prince is an allegory and motif. The Half-Blood Prince is an allegory referring to Severus Snape, which is not revealed until the end of the novel. His mother’s name was Eileen Prince, a pure-blood witch, and she married a muggle. Harry finds that it would fit that Snape would play up his mother’s side of the family, since she was a pure-blood and his father was a muggle, Tobias Snape. The pseudonym, the Half-Blood Prince, also fits in the with racial conflict motif surrounding blood status.

Fawks Symbol

Professor Dumbledore’s Phoenix, Fawks, is a symbol for life and death. This is a persistent motif in the series, Fawks was introduced in the Chamber of Secrets. When Professor Dumbledore dies Fawks sings a song of grief and leaves Hogwarts after. This symbolizes Dumbledore’s death.

Horcrux Symbols

The Horcruxes known thus far are: the diary, Marvolo’s ring (with the Peverell coat of arms) and Salazar Slytherin’s locket. All of these items symbolize of proud pure-blood history Tom Marvolo Riddle, a.k.a. Lord Voldemort, before his mother ‘tainted’ it by marrying the muggle Tom Riddle. The diary contains historical significance to him as well, it symbolizes Voldemort’s connection to his ancestors by attempting to do what he believed they begun, eliminating those that are inferior.

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Symbol

Fred and George’s joke shop, the Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, is a symbol of happiness and lightheartedness. The wizarding world is facing dark times, the war has begun. The joke shop is a shining beacon in a world gone dark. Ron even mentions that his parents said that the reason the shop is doing so well is that people need a bit of a laugh in times like these.

Parselmouth Symbol and Motif

The ability to speak Parseltongue, or the snake language, has been long equated with the dark arts. This symbol is revisited in this novel. As Dumbledore states, “…a rare ability and one supposedly connected with the dark arts..” (p276). Although he goes on to say that there have been good people, like Harry, that can speak with snakes. It is not until the final book that it is finally understood how Harry inherited this ability.

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