Hallowe'en Party Imagery

Hallowe'en Party Imagery


Sweets are usually associated in literature and in real life with pleasure and reward. However, candy-related imagery serves a different purpose in Hallowe'en Party: it creates a spooky atmosphere and hints at sinister things to come.

Apple bobbing

One of the traditional games played at the Halloween party is apple bobbing. This imagery not only sets the tone of a festive party; it becomes the source of some of the novel's most intense imagery: when the young girl, Joyce, is brutally murdered in the apple-bobbing tub.


As readers learn more about the murders and the murderer, money imagery becomes more common. Christie describes the inheritance Miranda will receive and talks about money generally, painting it as a desirable object. Ultimately, that's because the murders were committed because of an insatiable bloodlust and desire for money.


Not only are gardens a powerful symbol in the novel, but they are also evocative images that Christie uses to underscore the beauty and serenity of the town. However, this imagery is often juxtaposed with horrific, violent imagery of death and murder.

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