

Since the novel frequently alternates between the present of 1983 in Lagos, and during the past of Afikpo from 1972 until 1981, it is important to separate both time periods.

Present: Lagos 1983 :

  • Elvis: Elvis is an avid dancer and an Elvis impersonator. Not having completed school, he attempts to survive in the chaotic Lagos by making a living for himself. Inexperienced and naive, he meets all kinds of individuals in Lagos, who greatly influence his actions throughout the novel.
  • Sunday: Elvis’ father. Fallen from grace and broken hearted, he spends most of his time drinking. He used to be severe on Elvis when he was young, causing Elvis to lose all respect for his father. Barely cares about his new wife and Elvis' stepmother
  • Comfort: Elvis’ stepmother. She dislikes Elvis but is loyal to his father despite his faults.
  • Tunji, Akin and Tope: Comfort's children. They regard Elvis with respect.
  • Redemption: Ill-behaved, roguish friend of Elvis. He take Elvis under his wing and teaches him how to survive and adapt to a criminal lifestyle. Redemption is an expert at making connections with the people who will serve his purposes; he is not afraid of committing illegal actions to make ends meet.
  • King of Beggars: One eyed beggar that Elvis meets on the streets of Lagos. He has a dark past and tries to give season and warn Elvis of the dangers of Lagos and frequenting shady characters.
  • The Colonel: In charge of the security at Lagos. He is corrupt, impulsive and extremely violent. He does not hesitate to abuse his powers in his notoriously horrible fashion for monetary gain.

Past, Afikpo 1972 until 1981:

  • Joseph: Elvis’ Uncle, wealthy and crooked.
  • Beatrice: Elvis’ mother, afflicted with breast cancer from which she dies.
  • Innocence: Elvis's eldest cousin, child soldier. He takes part in a crooked scheme with uncle Joseph.
  • Oye : Elvis’ grandmother, Beatrice's mother. She support Beatrice through her sickness and tries to comfort Elvis.
  • Felicia: Elvis’ aunt. She shares a wicked past with Elvis, and helps him to cope with the passing away of his mother.
  • Efua: Elvis’ cousin. They both share intimate and painful memories. Felicia speculates that Efua followed Elvis to Lagos.
  • Confusion : town jock, who Elvis regarded highly given the fact that he had the courage to do what he loved as a living.

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