God Sees the Truth But Waits

God Sees the Truth But Waits Imagery

Young Aksionov (Visual Imagery)

At the beginning of the story, Tolstoy uses visual imagery to introduce Aksionov, whom Tolstoy describes as a "handsome, fair-haired, curly-headed fellow, full of fun, and very fond of singing." The description will prove essential as a contrast to Aksionov's rapid transformation into an old man, which results from his wrongful imprisonment.

Trembled With Fear (Visual Imagery)

After the official discovers a knife among Aksionov's possessions, Aksionov is unable to respond: "... his voice was broken, his face pale, and he trembled with fear as though he were guilty." The surprise of having his life suddenly disrupted by a wrongful accusation destabilizes Aksionov's usually casual demeanor, and his body appears to the police to reveal his guilt.