Four Souls Quotes


That was the night she took her mother’s secret name to herself, named her spirit. Four Souls she was called. She would need the name where she was going.

Nanapush, The Roads

Names and meaning of names play the most important role in the novel in relation to the Native American tradition. Four Souls that Fleur takes on is her mother’s secret name, name of her spirit. It is important to note that the name is not Fleur’s spirit name, which is in correlation with the events that take place after her taking of this name, and the sort of spiritual disruption she finds herself in.

So the name was going to do what it wanted with Fleur Pillager. From the beginning, she did not own it.

Nanapush, Under the Ground

Fleur took on another’s name, the spirit name of her mother Four Souls. She thought that the name will give her strength and help her in her intent of revenge, without thinking of consequences. Spirit names for Native Americans are sacred and kept secret only for the individual, representing their essence. The spirit name Fleur took on, took control over her, instead of the other way around.

I have left behind these words. But even as I write them down I know they are merely footsteps in snow. They will be gone by spring. New growth will cover them, and me.

Nanapush, End of the Story

The novel ends with a neutral, accepting outlook on change. This realistic view of change and acceptance is in relation to the change of environment and change of people who choose to adapt and survive instead of giving up and drowning in sorrow for the things past.

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