Fleetwood Characters

Fleetwood Character List

Casimir Fleetwood

Casimir is the titular character of the novel and the protagonist. He is the son of a wealthy land owner in Wales in the eighteenth century.

Mosieur Ruffigny

Monsieur Ruffigny is a friend of Fleetwood's father who resides in Switzerland. He returns to Wales with Casimir when Casimir's father dies unexpectedly on their visit to Switzerland.

Mary Macneil

Mary is a woman whose family perished in a shipwreck and whom Casimir marries. She later becomes pregnant with Casimir's child.


Gifford is one of Fleetwood's cousins whom he invites to his estate. He concocts a scheme to inherit Casimir's inheritance.


Kenrick is the other of Fleetwood's cousins whom he invites to his estate. Casimir is led to believe that Kenrick is having an affair with Kenrick by Gifford, as part of his plots to grab hold of Casimir's inheritance.

Louisa Scarborough

Louisa is the heroine of the story and presents the truth to Casimir, clearing both Kenrick and Mary's names. She later goes on to marry Kenrick.

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