Farther Away Characters

Farther Away Character List


Karen is Jonathan Franzen’s friend. She is a widow to David Foster Wallace who was a renowned novelist a writer. On his departure to Santiago, Jonathan Franzen decides to visit Karen.

David Foster Wallace

He is Karen’s late husband. He was a writer and novelist before he died. He died out of despair and boredom.


The narrator’s brother who took after their father’s character of do-it-yourselfer. The narrator largely tried to imitate the life of Tom most of the time. Tom was a backpacker just like his father.


Weidman is the narrator’s friend who joined a camping course with him. They stayed in the course for over two weeks alongside the backload of other teenagers and counselors.

Ian Watt

He is the author of ‘The Rise of the Novel’ which is referenced by the narrator in the story ‘Farther Away’. His novel correlates the 18th century mushrooming of the novelistic production to meet the rising demand for home made entertainment.


Danilo is the young park ranger who gives the narrator company in the Fly Island in Masafuera. Danilo has a good understanding of the steep hills and cliffs that surrounds the island.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

He one of the biggest fans of Robinson Crusoe. Jean is the one who proposed that Robinson Crusoe to be used in educating children.

Daniel Defoe

He is an author by profession and he first published the best-known volume of Robinson Crusoe.

Catherine Gallagher

She is a critic of fictional novels such as Robinson Crusoe that was first published by Daniel Defoe. In her critic essay ‘The Rise of Fictionality’, she argues that fictional work is full of pretense.

Alexander Selkirk

He was a Scottish seaman. The Robinson Crusoe Novel by Daniel Defoe is based on Alexander Selkirk.

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