Farewell My Concubine Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Show how the writer explores the concept of sexual orientation in Farewell My Concubine.

    Douzi becomes an epitome of a taboo sexual orientation when he falls desperately for his co-actor. The character is confused with regards to his weird attraction to his friend and is confused in relation to identifying as a boy or a girl. If Douzi had been a woman, the situation would have been easier; however, Douzi does not feel like a woman, and his attraction to another man is something of a taboo that is generally frowned upon by society. Douzi’s sexual orientation poses a problem for him in the novel, mainly due to the apparent lack of recognition of his kind of affections.

  2. 2

    Lillian Lee uses the novel, Farewell My Concubine, as a backdrop to critiquing society’s view of prostitution. Support this statement with illustrations derived from the novel.

    Through the employment of a plot structure where concubines and prostitutes are very central individuals, the novel-write, Lillian Lee, criticizes the ideologies that are held by the society with regard to this marginalized group. The society often views prostitutes and the process of prostitution as criminal. However, the writer draws to the way of life of these individuals and the desperation that causes them to indulge in such acts. In this way, the writer encourages a change in attitude towards the whole process as a rather unfortunate state than a choice that one makes consciously.

  3. 3

    Show how love is brought out in Lillian Lee’s Farewell My Concubine.

    In this work, the theme of romantic love is quite well brought out. For instance, Dieyi falls in love with his childhood friend, but unfortunately for him, the feelings remain unreciprocated since the other party is not essentially interested in their love. On top of this, the feelings that he has are taboo as sexual relations between the same sex are largely frowned upon. In this way, Dieyi’s love becomes unrequited. Also, before the cultural revolution of China, Shitou is seen with a lover and they also later reunite in the work. In this way, love is explored in the work.

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