Everything Beautiful in Its Time Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Everything Beautiful in Its Time Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


In this book, Hager writes about the importance of grandparents, and the influence they have over their grandchildren's lives. She shares a number of heartwarming stories about her beloved grandparents, telling us about her personal memories shared with them.

George and Barbara Bush

In this text, Hager writes about her grandparents, George and Barbara Bush. To the reader, these are symbolic figures who represent power and leadership. However, to Hager herself, they symbolize comfort and home.

The past

Hager writes sentimentally in this book, remembering her beloved grandparents and the memories she shared with them. In this book, the past symbolizes a sense of comfort and consolation for Hager, which gives her a feeling of happiness through difficult times.


Lessons are a key motif in this text, as Hager learned a lot from her grandparents. She was taught the virtues of kindness, compassion, and respect by her grandparents, which she then passed on to her own children.


Hager's maternal grandparents taught her about the beauty of the natural world and about appreciating the smaller things in life. For example, they taught her the names of the stars in the sky, giving her a better appreciation of nature.

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