Esther Waters Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    The first sentence in Esther Waters repeats itself toward the end of the novel. What is the line? Why did Moore choose to repeat this line in particular?

    The novel both begins and closes with the line “She stood on the platform watching the receding train.” By using this repetition, Moore intends to convey that despite all of the hardships she has faced, Esther remains unchanged. As a realist writer, Moore uses this dark narrative to represent the circle of life and how everyone ends where they begin in nature. Esther ends and begins at Woodview.

  2. 2

    When referring to Fred, Moore writes “she [Esther] almost loved him.” What does this mean?

    The quote indicates that despite wanting to, Esther is incapable of giving herself fully to Fred. She is well aware that he is a sensible, safe choice, but her heart desires the fiery passion she feels with William. Ultimately, Esther rather have a turbulent and unpredictable relationship with passion, than be financially stable in a loveless relationship.

  3. 3

    In the novel, Moore chooses to include a description of the birth of Jackie. Why does he do this? How does this choice place him within the naturalist/realist literary movement?

    At the time in which the story was written, describing the act of birth in a novel would be deemed as taboo, for both its graphic and erotic nature. However, as a realist, Moore wished to expose darker parts of humanity which the romantic era had ignored.

  4. 4

    Describe the interaction between William and Esther in chapter 11. What causes Esther to go against her morals?

    Esther was unable to resist William because of how romantic and intense the situation was, a sharp contrast from her previously plain life. Moore writes chapter 11 with ethereal descriptions, painting the picture of a utopian romance. When William refers to Esther as his ‘wife’ it is the final straw, and she becomes totally swept up in the story-book romance. In actuality, the event which takes place in this scene is lustful and primal.

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