Dream Stuff Characters

Dream Stuff Character List


Jack is the main character in the story "At Schindler's". He is a young boy whose father's gone missing in war and who is trying to accept the truth that he will never come back.


Amy is the narrator of the story "Closer". She is a young girl living in a religious family and observing how her family shunned her uncle Charles's gone to live in Sydney.


Colin is the main character in the story "Dream Stuff". He is a writer troubled with dreams of his childhood who decides to return home to discover that he is as much of a stranger there as anywhere else.


Greg is the main character in the story "Night Training". He is a young soldier in a military camp who has to go through the bullying and embarrassment together with his friend Cam, by the hand of a mentally unstable older soldier.


Sally is the main character of "Sally's Story". She is a young prostitute for soldiers who, after everything she endures, finds happiness close to home.


Jordan is the main character of "Blacksoil Country". His unstable father makes his family move quite often, and they end up in the black soil country, which Jordan becomes fond of. Hatred towards native black people consequently makes Jordan a center of justification of the cruelty towards them.


Audley is the center of the story "Great Day". Audley is a familial seventy-year-old man who contemplates passage of time and tries to reconcile with death.

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