Divine Rivals Themes

Divine Rivals Themes

Power of the Press

The two protagonists are both war correspondents. It is through the power of journalistic integrity on the part of Iris that political corruption and journalistic integrity are fought. The surrounding context of gods battling each other purposely mirrors the more down-to-earth story of the two reporters falling in love. This connection serves to imply that the power of a single reporter to expose lies and illuminate the truth is a kind of mythic power in itself. The power of a free and honest press is thematically explored throughout the story but especially in a way that Iris exposes the Oath Gazette as violating its very own name.

The Danger of the Press

Iris is a dedicated believer in the power of the press to positively impact the world, so it cuts to the bone to know that the Oath Gazette has been engaging in censorship. The novel examines the consequences of how just a few powerful people with connections to the dissemination of information can wield widespread influence over millions. The complicity of the very paper she works for and considers to be a beacon of truth in maintaining lies about the war being covered eventually becomes the focus of Iris’ job as a war correspondent and partly prompts her departure for another job. The danger of the press proves to be every bit as powerful as its ability to do good and reveal villainy. Propaganda is never limited to just one side.

Life During Wartime

The entire story takes place during one of those prolonged military conflicts that comes to seem like a normal part of existence. As a result, every character is impacted by the war in a way that they otherwise would not be. It is the war and their jobs as reporters that bring Iris and Roman together. It is the war that fuels the corruption of the newspaper for which Iris writes. It is due to the war that Iris’ brother goes missing and this in turn stimulates her decision to find out what happened to him. The war at the center of the narrative is reflective of how war in real life changes everything for those associated with it. It is this ability to enforce certain behaviors and engender certain beliefs in the fog of war that creates opportunities for corrupt political actions designed to extend active engagements rather than find peaceful alternatives.

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