Discourse on Colonialism Themes

Discourse on Colonialism Themes

Civilization or Colonialism

Césaire argues that throughout the years Europeans have justified colonialism as a way of “civilising” natives of these countries. Yet, the true reality is that it is the European colonizers who are the real savages, as they have stripped people of their basic human rights and have stolen their homelands.

European Exploitation

Césaire states that the true motive behind the colonization of these nations is greed and a desperation for wealth. He states that whilst these Europeans have had the benefit of becoming increasingly wealthy throughout the years, this is at the expense of these once wealthy nations now living in poverty and desolation due to the aftereffects of colonialism on their lands.


In the essay, Césaire argues that the actions of “Europe is indefensible” when it comes to their brutal attacks against people of color. He condemns the tactics of terror used by European nations, including genocide and mass rape, and states they were “swindlers, perjurers, forgers, thieves, and procurers” that justified their brutality for economic gain.

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