Difficult Women Characters

Difficult Women Character List

“The Stone Thrower” (“Requiem for a Glass Heart”)

‘The Stone Thrower’ is a dishonest man who leads thrives on double dealing (or literally throwing stones).

“The Glass Wife” (“Requiem for a Glass Heart”)

‘The Glass Wife’ is the Stone thrower’s wife. All her body parts are comprise of glass.

“The Glass Child” (“Requiem for a Glass Heart”)

‘The Glass child’ is the kid of the Stone thrower and the Glass wife. The child too is susceptible to rupture.

The Narrator (“The Mark of Twain”)

The narrator is a woman who is embroiled in a love affair with twin brothers. She is more besotted by her husband’s twin brother than her husband. She gets in the family way, and it is not well-defined who between the two brothers fathered her baby.

Caleb (“The Mark of Twain”)

Caleb is the narrator’s husband who commands the narrator’s life including how her outfits. Caleb treats the narrator crudely (which includes assailing her) and horridly.

Jacob (“The Mark of Twain”)

Jacob is Caleb’s twin brother who shifts roles with Caleb and copulates with the narrator. Jacob treats the narrator affectionately and amorously by soothing her when his twin brother harms her.

Cassie (“The Mark of Twain”)

Cassie is a museum-studies graduate and Jacob’s partner. Unlike the narrator, she cannot make a distinction between the two twin brothers. She is enmeshed in the swapping of the twin brothers (Caleb, and Jacob) but she does not apprehend.

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