De Republica Anglorum

Marriages and heirs

Smith married twice. First he wed Elizabeth Carkeke, daughter of a London printer, April 15, 1548; she died in 1553.[6] His second marriage, which took place July 23, 1554,[5] was to Philippa Wilford, the widow of Sir John Hampden of Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire, and the daughter of the London merchant Henry Wilford.[7][8] She died 15 June 1578.

The title page of the 1609 edition of Smith's work[9]

Smith had no issue by either marriage, although he had one illegitimate son named Thomas, who was killed during the failed Ards settlement. His heirs were his younger brother, George, and George's son, Sir William Smith (died 12 December 1626) of Theydon Mount, Essex.[10] Sir William Smith's daughter, Frances Smith, married Sir Matthew Brend, owner of the land on which the first and second Globe Theatres were built.[11] Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, was brought up in Smith's house and his early education was supervised by him.[12]

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