Daughter of the Deep Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Daughter of the Deep Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The black pearl necklace

The black pearl necklace, that Dev gives to Ana as an early birthday gift, is an important symbol in the novel. On the surface, it symbolizes their familial connection, the memory of their mother and the bond that they have. When it is revealed that the necklace is a tracking device which helped Dev and the LI track them to the island, it starts to symbolize the ultimate betrayal-betrayal of Dev, who takes their painful memory to use for his advantage.

The Nautilus

The Nautilus is a symbol of possibilities of the human mind. A submarine with a mind and personality of its own, it is a proof of Nemo’s genius abilities. It is also a frightening discovery that needs to be treated with respect and kindness. Nautilus is described as the earliest version of an AI, and abandoned and left to decay at the bottom of the ocean, it is reluctant to trust humanity again.

Ana’s heritage

Ana’s heritage puts a tremendous pressure on her. Being the last descendant of Prince Dakkar, or Captain Nemo, she is expected to find answers that will lead her friends to safety. The novel shows her succeeding in that mission, but it also shows that she is just a teenage girl stricken with grief. Ana learns that she is not a leader because of her name, but because of the support of her friends and teammates-a lesson Captain Nemo failed to realize, dying alone in Nautilus at the bottom of the ocean.

The giant squid called Romeo

The main message that the novel tries to convey is that the monsters aren’t those who appear to be. The main monsters are greed, hatred and human corruption. The giant squid that suddenly appears before Ana and Gem is a thing of nightmares, but once Ana gives it the respect it deserves, it is proven to be the key to their win against the corrupted forces.

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