
Home media

Cronos was first released on DVD by Lionsgate Home Entertainment on 14 October 2003 as a "10th Anniversary Edition", which includes two commentaries, one by del Toro, and the other by three of the four producers, two behind-the-scenes featurettes, two galleries for production photos and concept art, and an easter egg which plays the theatrical trailers of four films, including Cronos.[14] On 7 December 2010, The Criterion Collection released Cronos on both DVD and Blu-ray with a new cover by Mike Mignola. The disc contains two audio commentaries by cast and crew, a video tour of del Toro's home office, several interviews, and Geometria, a 1987 short film (although finished in 2010) written and directed by del Toro.[15] The Criterion Collection also released the film as a part of the boxset Trilogía de Guillermo del Toro, which includes three of Guillermo del Toro's Spanish films, the other two being Pan's Labyrinth and The Devil's Backbone.[16]

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