Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge Imagery

Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge Imagery

Metaphysical extrapolation

Before a person naturally arrives at continental philosophy like this, they must take their experience of life and reality and extrapolate the order found in various endeavors. That is precisely the approach that Wilson advocates, because Wilson's philosophy is primarily a response to his own personal revelation as he attempted to peer behind the veil of transcendental order. By extrapolating the principles of math, science, music, art, and ethics, he attempts to find universal metaphysical axioms.


This means that data has to be translated from one application to another. By applying the theories of Fibonacci to music, one produces a naturally harmonic music that is consistent with the order of nature. Our animal ears translate the mathematics of that data into emotional data, such that by nothing but air vibration, math, and language, a person's life can be profoundly shaped by music. By translation, it becomes more evident that data does indeed translate, although never perfectly, between disciplines.

Transcendental order

Transcendentalism is a big idea in theory, but in practice it is absolutely elemental. Essentially, one can arrive at a feeling like transcendence by remembering the way it felt to be a growing child. The child learns and grows while always suspecting that more order exists than they can fathom. By taking adult consciousness and reviving that superstitious, childlike curiosity, the intelligent domains of human life are highly transcendental. To attain mastery at a skill is a science, and to solve a scientific conundrum, one makes use of artistic intelligence. These can be sometimes be seen as transcendental experiences of consciousness.

The human experience

The imagery of the human life being lived in the first-person is an important imagery to remember because it is so perfectly constant and obvious that it is the first piece of knowledge a human forgets or takes for granted. The imagery of the human experience contains within it various endeavors, all oriented to improve the quality of life. The experience is defined in some ways by confusion and obfuscation, because there is often more order present than a human can easily discover or fathom.

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