Circe Quotes


"Odysseus, son of Laertes, the great traveler, prince of wiles and tricks and a thousand ways. He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none."


In this passage, Circe thinks about her relationship with Odysseus, emphasizing that she chose to be with him because he made her feel better and as if she had no scars. As such, we can see that this relationship is one-sided and that Circe was not concerned with returning the favor to him. Here we might question Circe's personality and attitude towards her intimate relationships.

"There I discovered, at last, the limits of my power. However potent the mixture, however well woven the spell, the toad kept trying to fly, and the mouse to sting. Transformation touched only bodies, not minds."


Circe considers her powers and abilities, realizing that there are limits to what she can do. Indeed, she realizes that despite her best efforts she cannot change a being's mind. Although she can change their physical appearance, their mind, or "essence" remains the same.

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