Chain of Iron Metaphors and Similes

Chain of Iron Metaphors and Similes

Rules of Chess (simile)

James asserts, “Like rules for the game of chess, only our rules will be for the game of our marriage.” In this quote, James is using a simile to compare the rules of marriage to those of chess. He is suggesting that the two games have similar guidelines that must be followed to be successful. This comparison implies that a marriage should have clear rules and expectations that both parties agree on to ensure that both sides are on the same page. Additionally, it suggests that just like in chess, both parties should be aware of the moves of the other to be successful. In other words, couples should strive to understand each other to have a successful marriage.

Golden Starbursts (simile)

The simile in the narrative: "like golden starbursts against his skin" is a comparison of the light freckles on James's shoulders to starbursts. A starburst is a burst of light and color that radiates outward, and in this comparison, the freckles are seen as radiating outward from his shoulders, creating a beautiful effect. The simile helps to highlight the narrator's admiration of James and how she finds him attractive. It also conveys the idea of his beauty being nearly unfair, as the simile is used to demonstrate how perfect the narrator thinks he is.

Old Age (simile)

In the narrative, another simile used is "old and gnarled like a tree trunk". It is used to describe how Tessa will look when she is old. By comparing her to a tree trunk, the author is emphasizing her age and highlighting how much time has passed. The tree trunk is also used to represent the stability, strength, and endurance of Tessa's relationship with James, as a tree trunk is a symbol of strength, stability, and endurance. The simile also expresses the idea that although Tessa may look old and worn, her relationship with James will remain strong and will be something she can look back on fondly.

Dark Corners (metaphor)

Tatiana uses a metaphor to describe the Shadowhunters' history as a "dark corner" of Blackthorn Manor. She uses this metaphor to show how the Shadowhunters have a long history of cruelty and oppression, which is hidden within the shadows of their past. She also uses this metaphor to illustrate how the Nephilim have sought to conceal their crimes and punishments from the public, such as their practices of taking Downworlder "spoils" and Annabel Blackthorn's torture and exile to the Adamant Citadel. The metaphor of a dark corner conveys the idea of something hidden, sinister, and shameful, which is a perfect description of the Shadowhunters' past.

Mathematics (metaphor)

Clare uses the metaphor of a mathematical assignment to describe how James looks upon Daisy. He notices every detail of her physical appearance as if he were trying to "total up her charms" as if it were a mathematical task. This metaphor emphasizes the meticulousness of his attention as if he were trying to measure and quantify her beauty. It also suggests that he is looking at her objectively and analytically and that his admiration for her is based on facts and figures rather than emotion. This metaphor reflects the idea that love and attraction can be broken down into scientific data, and that beauty is something that can be measured and quantified.

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