Black Butterflies Glossary

Black Butterflies Glossary


The occurrence of valuable or delightful discoveries by chance or accident, often when looking for something else.


The feeling of pleasure derived from witnessing the misfortune or suffering of others.


The defining spirit or mood of a particular period in history, often referring to the cultural, intellectual, or political climate of a specific era.


A mild or indirect word or expression used in place of a harsh, offensive, or unpleasant term to make it sound more polite or less offensive.

Cognitive dissonance

The psychological discomfort experienced when holding two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values simultaneously.


Referring to a task or challenge that is endless, futile, or impossible to complete, based on the Greek myth of Sisyphus who was doomed to roll a boulder uphill only to watch it roll back down repeatedly.


Experiencing or living through the experiences, actions, or feelings of another person, often through imagination or empathy.


A remedy or solution that is believed to cure or solve all problems or difficulties, often used metaphorically.


Referring to something complex, intricate, or perplexing, resembling a maze in its structure or arrangement.


A sudden realization or understanding, often accompanied by a sense of clarity or insight, typically triggered by a profound or significant event or experience.


Something that is too great, intense, or extraordinary to be expressed or described in words; beyond the ability of language to capture fully.


Existing or being present everywhere at the same time; being encountered or found everywhere simultaneously.

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