Bad Feminist Characters

Bad Feminist Character List

The narrator

The narrator is the most important character and also the only one who appears by name in the essays. She is the main voice through which the reader presents the idea of modern feminism. The view presented here is quite unique since it represents the voice of a black woman coming from an unprivileged environment and militating for the rights of other women similar to her. The analysis she gives on the whole feminist movement is extremely comprehensive and in-depth.

The middle class white feminists

The first group mentioned by the narrator are the middle-class white feminists which, in her opinion, represent the vast majority of feminists. The narrator gives off the impression that the ideas for which the white middle-class feminists militate are not inclusive, and focus only on the troubles they experience. Because of this, the white middle-class feminists are rather criticized and are not treated sympathetically by the narrator.

The rich white feminists

Another group of white feminists criticized by the narrator are the ones who have a good financial status and have everything they want in life. According to the narrator, this group is at its core extremely selfish and even hypocrites because they can't understand completely the most important matters affecting the lives of normal women. As such, the narrator feels as if these women do more harm than good for the cause and should try not to get involved as much as possible.

The women who refuse to get involved in the cause

The last group of women analyzed in the essays is composed of women who refuse to get involved in the cause. These women are happy just to stay on the sides and pretend like nothing is wrong. These women are criticized the most because according to the narrator, they give up the impression that there is nothing wrong in this world and as such that nothing should be changed or modified.

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