Babette's Feast and Other Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Babette's Feast and Other Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The yellow house (symbol)

The house in which lived the sisters with their father is referred to as a yellow house, as its roof is yellow. All the houses in the town have different colors of the roofs, but it is not an accident that the author chooses yellow one for the sisters’ house. Yellow color symbolizes happiness, positivity, and calmness. This all might be found in the house of sisters; besides, yellow is a color which draws visual attention, the same as the girls – they are beautiful and many young men pay them attention, but none of them succeed.

Helpful daughters (allegory)

The Dean always claimed that his daughters were his left and right hand. In this usage, the allegory of help is meant. Both daughters are devoted to their father in their souls, so it is not a surprise they are never going to leave him for any other man.

Brotherhood (allegory)

When was yet younger the Dean had many disciples, but with years passing their number was gradually diminishing. Nevertheless, those who stayed were united in a kind of a brotherhood. Everyone within this brotherhood addressed each other only as Brother and Sister. Their unity is strengthened by the love to their master – the old clergyman. When they all gathered at his birthday dinner, they were talking about miracles of the past and many other things. Their brotherhood is bound by the ties of pure devotion and love.

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