Annabel Characters

Annabel Character List


A genderless being and the main protagonist of the story. Wayne was born with both female and male reproductive systems and so is conflicted as to who he really is. Due to pressure from his father he conforms to the maleness of his body, but truly longs to be a woman.

Wayne's father

A stubborn man whose only desire was to have a son. He is perplexed at his son's condition but this does not stop him from trying to shape him into being a man. He hopes to make his son more masculine by have him take certain medication and engaging him in masculine activities, such as building a bridge over a creek.

Wayne's mother

A kind and loving woman who understands Wayne's true feelings as Annabel. She is the one who names him Annabel and secretly refers to him by that name. She does all she can to help Wayne be his true self and helps him to confront the demons within himself.


Wayne's close friend. His friendship with Wally is disproved by his father, who does not believe that a friendship with Wally will be beneficial and also worries about the growing feelings between the two. Wally and Wayne's friendship comes to a halt, but after Wayne chooses to become a woman they resume their friendship.

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