An Unkindness of Ghosts Literary Elements

An Unkindness of Ghosts Literary Elements


Science Fiction

Setting and Context

On board the generational vessel Matilda, in which racism and racial stratification has run rampant.

Narrator and Point of View

Third person point of view.

Tone and Mood

The book is solemn, sad, radical, energetic, violent, oppressive, and tense.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Aster is the protagonist; racism and those who advance it is the antagonist

Major Conflict

The conflict between the darker-skinned people on lower levels and the lighter-skinned people on the upper levels.


The outbreak of the Civil War on the ship is the climax of the book.


The outbreak of the Civil War is foreshadowed by Aster's actions and her inner musings.


The strangeness and peculiarity of the situation the people on the Matilda finds themselves in is understated for much of the book.


The novel alludes to the history of the United States, particularly the history of the U.S. Civil War, slavery, the period following the Civil War, and the history of racism in the United States. The novel also alludes to religion and its customs, other popular culture (particularly novels), as well as mythology.


As the civil war on the ship grows nearer, intense imagery surrounding slavery and the U.S. Civil War becomes more prevalent.


As humans have moved forward, they have become more accepting and more progressive. However, many years in the future, humans engage in racist and very much not progressive behavior.


The stories of the darker-skinned people who live on lower decks and the oppression they must endure are paralleled with each other.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

Lower decks are used to refer to the lower levels of the Matilda, on which darker-skinned people live.


The ship that all of the characters in the novel reside on is personified throughout the novel.

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