
Further reading

  • Anderson, Craig W. "Alien". Science Fiction Films of the Seventies. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1985. Print. 217–224.
  • Bell-Meterau, Rebecca. "Woman: The Other Alien in Alien". Women Worldwalkers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Weedman, Jane B. Lubbock, Tex: Texas Tech Press, 1985. Print. 9-24.
  • Elkins, Charles, ed. "Symposium on Alien". (Jackie Byars, Jeff Gould, Peter Fitting, Judith Lowder Newton, Tony Safford, Clayton Lee). Science-Fiction Studies 22.3 (Nov. 1980): 278–304.
  • Matheson, T.J. "Triumphant Technology and Minimal Man: The Technological Society, Science Fiction Films, and Ridley Scott's Alien". Extrapolation 33. 3: 215–229.
  • Torry, Robert. "Awakening to the Other: Feminism and the Ego-Ideal in Alien". Women's Studies 23 (1994): 343–363.

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