A Down Home Meal for These Difficult Times

A Down Home Meal for These Difficult Times Imagery

Lamplight (Visual imagery)

In "The Thief's Tale," the old man is described sitting on a bench at night: "He sat down on a park bench, the lamplight flickering above." The visual imagery of the flickering lamplight gives the reader a sense of foreboding and suggests that he is in the park late at night. This feeling comes to fruition when the elderly man is cornered by a thief.

Aloe Gel (Olfactory Imagery)

The following scene occurs during the party in "The Street Sweep": "Getu could smell the scent of aloe gel, subtle, like a blade of broken grass." This olfactory imagery here suggests the wealth of the people attending the party, as their skin is treated with a soothing substance that is "subtle" and pleasant-smelling.

Pulsing Cheek (Haptic Imagery)

After Kareem hits Mekonnen, the latter narrates: "I staggered back and sought balance, and my hand went up to where my cheek pulsed." This haptic imagery builds a strong impression of how hard Kareem hit him as well as the painful aftermath of the blow.

Murmuring Crowd (Auditory Imagery)

When Saba's suitcases are too full to clear baggage check, her relatives begin to talk about what to remove: "The crowd began murmuring anxiously, and a few shouted out sounds of frustration." The auditory imagery of the arguing crowd suggests the discord that is beginning to mount in the family over this matter, as everyone prepares to make their claim for why their things belong in the suitcase.