A Canticle for Leibowitz Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A Canticle for Leibowitz Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Order of Leibowitz

The Order of Leibowitz is presented throughout the novel as a symbol for knowledge and inquiry. The actions of the Order throughout the novel are all related to the act of either preserving knowledge or restoring it. This is in spite of the numerous setbacks that the Order faces including the threat of death and violence.


The recurring motif of war highlights the theme of humanity's urge for destruction. Throughout the novel, we see the ramifications of war and the human and environmental cost of war. However, in spite of these costs, humanity is seen to constantly turn towards war as a means to resolve conflicts.

The Conflict Between the Atlantic Confederacy and the Asian Coalition

The conflict between the Atlantic Confederacy and the Asian Coalition is used as a symbol of history repeating itself. At the start of the novel, we find out that the events are a direct result of the fallout of nuclear war. However, in the final chapters, we see a mirror of the very nuclear war that led to humanity's new Dark Age. Thus, it is evident that this conflict is presented in the novel as a symbol for history's tendency to repeat itself and humanity's inability to learn from its mistakes.

The Preservation and Restoration of Knowledge

Throughout the novel, the recurring motif of the preservation and restoration of knowledge by the order is used to present faith and reason as able to coexist. Contrary to popular belief, faith is not always necessarily without reason and vice versa. The novel presents how the two can work together for the betterment of humanity.

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