Lord of the Flies



Author Stephen King named his fictional town of Castle Rock after Jack's mountain camp in Lord of the Flies.[37] The book itself appears prominently in King's novels Cujo (1981), Misery (1987) and Hearts in Atlantis (1999).[38] His novel It was influenced by Golding's novel: "I thought to myself I'd really like to write a story about what's gained and what's lost when you go from childhood to adulthood, and also, the things we experience in childhood that are like seeds that blossom later on."[39] In 2011, King wrote an introduction for a new edition of Lord of the Flies to mark the centenary of Golding's birth.[40] King's town of Castle Rock inspired the name of Rob Reiner's production company, Castle Rock Entertainment.[41]

Alan Garner credits the book with making him want to become a writer.[42]


Iron Maiden wrote a song inspired by the book, included in their 1995 album The X Factor.[43]

The Filipino indie pop/alternative rock outfit The Camerawalls include a song titled "Lord of the Flies" on their 2008 album Pocket Guide to the Otherworld.[44]

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