The Metamorphosis Essays

12th Grade

The Metamorphosis

There is something about donning on a uniform that makes a man feel invincible and demand the respect of those around him. When times are tough, people tend to look towards the uniformed man for guidance and to help pull them through a difficult...

12th Grade

The Metamorphosis

What separates humans from the animals we keep in cages? What makes our specific collection of bones classify as human? Over 200,000 years ago, humans evolved into the modern man and since then, brilliant and seemingly impossible feats have been...

11th Grade

The Metamorphosis

Atypical Existentialism Gregor Samsa was a person. A shockingly normal person. He dredged to work every day in spite of his general dissatisfaction, his home was nice enough, his family was there (if nothing else), and, like most things which have...