Paris Is Burning


In 2020, the Criterion Collection re-released Paris Is Burning with features including new interviews and conversations with cast members, scholars, etc. The UCLA Film and Television Archive restored the film into a new 2K digital form. This was done in collaboration with the Sundance Institute and Outfest UCLA Legacy Project, under the supervision of Jenny Livingston. Livingston has a conversation with Sol Pendavis, Freddie Pendavis, and filmmaker Thomas Allen Harris. In another interview, Jenni Olson, LGBTQ+ film historian, shares her views and opinions on Paris Is Burning. The re-release also includes a 2005 audio commentary from Livingston, Freddie Pendavis, Willi Ninja, and film editor Jonathan Oppenheim.[10] An episode of The Joan Rivers Show from 1991 with Livingston, Dorian Corey, Pepper Labeija, Freddie Pendavis, and Willi Ninja, is also included [11] Michelle Parkerson's essay "Paris Is Burning: The Fire This Time" and Essex Hemphill's review of the film are also included in the re-release.

The re-release also includes over an hour of new outtakes. In one scene, Venus Xtravaganza is shown at her grandmother's house, detailing her goals and hopes for the future, as well as her devotion to her grandmother. Dorian Corey is shown getting ready for a ball, as gunshots are heard outside. She mentions to Livingston that this is a common occurrence. This is also one of the few times Livingston and their crew can be seen on screen.[12]

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