Mrs Faust Themes

Mrs Faust Themes


Mr. and Mrs. Faust purportedly love each other (just as married couples are supposed to). Quickly, though, readers learn that Mr. Faust doesn't truly love Mrs. Faust. He doesn't like spending time with her and is more interested in getting more material things over being with her. He is a materialistic person through and through; he loves things, not Mrs. Faust.


Greed is perhaps the most important theme in "Mrs. Faust." At first, it seems that Mr. Faust is a content man who loves his wife and his life. However, it quickly becomes clear that is neither content with his life nor content with his wife and life. He wants more, and he will do anything to get it. To that end, because of his tremendous greed. Mr. Faust strikes a bargain with the devil, who promises to give him everything he wants in exchange for his soul. Mr. Faust agrees, but readers eventually learn that Mr. Faust doesn't have a soul to sell because of his greed.


Compromise is another significant theme in "Mrs. Faust." Initially, it seems that the Fausts have a good marriage in which they compromise on things that are important to one another. After all, most people in solid marriages are able to compromise with each other. However, readers quickly learn that, in the Faust's marriage, there is no compromise at all, showing how broken it is and how greedy and materialistic Mr. Faust is.

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