Missing May Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of Cletus in Ob’s life?

    Cletus proves that he can reconnect with the spiritual world. Since the death of May, Ob has been figuring out how to reconnect with her spirit. Cletus is a strange boy with the ability to speak with spirits. Therefore, Ob is happy because Cletus will help him reconnect with his wife. After all, that is the only thing he has been waiting to achieve.

  2. 2

    What is the primary theme in the novel Missing May?

    The main theme in the novel is relationship. Summer, May, and Ob live as a family that loves each other. Ob loves May, and he imagines they will live beside each other for the rest of their lives. Similarly, the relationship between Summer and her foster parents is lively. Summer and Ob feel the gap when May dies because one of their loved ones is dead. Ob believes that May is still around in spirit, and he does not want to believe that she will never return. Consequently, the relationship between these three family members is so strong.

  3. 3

    Why is the author positioning Summer as the most realistic and profound character in Missing May?

    Summer is a realistic and profound character because she is sanguine and ready to accept unforeseen events in her life. It is interesting to note that Summer does not moan about the death of May for long. Summer feels the pain of losing her aunt, but she is ready to move on with her life. For Ob, Summers' uncle, losing a loved one is something he never expected to happen. Therefore, any unforeseen event holds him back.

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