Madame Bovary


Emma Bovary is the novel's eponymous protagonist. She has a highly romanticized view of the world and craves beauty, wealth, passion, as well as high society.

Charles Bovary, Emma's husband, is a very simple and common man. He is an officier de santé, or "health officer".

Rodolphe Boulanger is a wealthy local man who seduces Emma as one in a long string of mistresses.

Léon Dupuis is a clerk who introduces Emma to poetry and who falls in love with her.

Monsieur Lheureux is a sly merchant who lends money to Charles and leads the Bovarys into debt and financial ruin.

Monsieur Homais is the town pharmacist.

Justin is Monsieur Homais' apprentice and second cousin who harbors a crush on Emma.

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