Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor Analysis

Lone Survivor is a book that presents a true story of Marcus Luttrell. It documents his early life and his experiences in the Navy SEALS which culminated in him being the only sole survivor during an operation called Operation Redwing in Afghanistan. The story is heartbreaking and is a perfect example of patriotism and heroism.

Ahmad Shah had executed 20 U.S soldiers and community members that were abetting the U.S forces based in Afghanistan. The U.S Navy Seals are sent on a mission to capture or kill the notorious Taliban leader. The leaders; Murphy, Luttrell, Axelson, Dietz, and the elite soldiers’ cover is blown by a Taliban goat herder who had stumbled upon them and whom they had left to live. They are abruptly ambushed by the Taliban forces who take out numerous Seal soldiers. The seal team is overpowered and they recede in the mountains. Dietz is injured and is shot together with Murphy and are eventually killed. Lutrell is now left on his own to live. This prompts a rescue mission from the Navy Seal which leads to more loss of life.

Lutrell, severely wounded, with little supplies, without water, and believed to be dead scrambles through a desert and comes across a particular village. The villagers risk it all and take him in and nurture him back to health. A successful rescue mission by the U.S Navy takes Lutrell back home. The story depicts courage, perseverance, and survival.

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