
Edinburgh: City of Literature

Alexander Stoddart's Kidnapped statue at Corstorphine, Edinburgh, depicting Alan Breck Stewart and David Balfour at their final parting on Corstorphine Hill (unveiled 2004). Breck holds the handmade cross with silver button, cleverly designed to carry a message to an illiterate colleague.[16]

As part of the events to celebrate Edinburgh becoming the first UNESCO City of Literature,[17] three versions of Kidnapped were made freely available by being left in public places around the city.[18] Throughout February 2007, 25,000 copies of the novel were distributed in that way.[19]

A statue honouring Stevenson through a depiction of the two main characters from Kidnapped, Alan Breck Stewart and David Balfour, was unveiled by Sean Connery in 2004 in Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh. The location for the work, which is by Scottish sculptor Alexander Stoddart, is where, in the novel, the two friends part ways.[20]

  • A new printing of Barry Menikoff's edition of the novel.[19]
  • A retelling of the tale for children.[18]
  • A 2007 graphic novel version created by Alan Grant and Cam Kennedy. Translations of the graphic novel were also published in Lowland Scots and Scots Gaelic.[18]

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