Fools Crow Themes

Fools Crow Themes


Names are a key theme in this text and are significant in understanding the characters. The protagonist, White Man's Dog, begins his journey as a young man, but after proving himself in a raid he is given a new name in a naming ceremony. It is decided that his new name will be "Fools Crow," as he apparently used medicine to confuse the crow during the raid.


Dreams are another theme in this text and are used to show how the characters are feeling, or to foreshadow events in the novel. For example, after he returns to the tribe, Fools Crow has a dream in which the Raven orders him to kill somebody, which inspires his later actions.


Medicine is seen frequently in the text and is presented predominantly through the figure of the medicine man, who is called Yellow Kidney. After failing in battle and appearing weak, White Man's Dog decides to visit the medicine man, who tells him to lead some warriors to steal some horses. After this is successful, he trusts in the medicine and uses it again later in the text.

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