Zero Days Quotes


“I honestly have no idea what my next move is. I didn't plan any of this, and now—now I'm stuck. My only way out is through.”


Jack is running from the police and trying to figure out her next move after Gabe’s death. She receives help from Cole who is knowledgeable about technology and helps her communicate securely. Cole suggests staying at Noemie's cottage in Rye while they figure things out. However, Jack is overwhelmed and unsure of their next steps. When Cole expresses concern about their safety, she reveals her determination to find out who killed Gabe regardless of the risk. Thus, the quote highlights Jack's realization that she is caught in a difficult situation with no clear plan but a fierce determination to uncover the truth. Jack's emotions are in turmoil as she grapples with grief, fear, and the weight of the false accusations against her. She feels trapped and pushed into a corner but she also has a strong sense of purpose. Their only path to freedom is to confront the truth and face the dangerous individuals responsible for Gabe's death.

“I knew my voice was getting testy, and I tried to keep it calm. If you react, the person you're talking to reacts back. First rule of social engineering: stay pleasant and others are much more likely to do the same.”


In this excerpt, Jack finds herself in a frustrating situation where she is trying to gain access to a location for a security test. However, the police officer she is speaking to is skeptical. The statement highlights Jack's awareness of the importance of maintaining composure and politeness when dealing with challenging situations. She understands that reacting with irritation could escalate the tension and make it harder to achieve her goal. Jack is trying to convince the police officer that she is a legitimate security tester hired to assess the company's security systems. However, the officer is doubtful and the security guard seems uninterested. This quote illustrates her understanding of the tactic used in the cyber security world to manipulate people into divulging sensitive information. By staying composed and courteous, she aims to gain the trust and cooperation of the officers.

“They were just one part of a vast dark web of unseen players…And yes, they could be fought, maybe some individuals might even be arrested, but you might as well try to prosecute cancer. They would always exist.”


Jack finds out that the men directly responsible for Gabe's death have been found dead as well. She has always believed that the blame for his death lay with a mysterious group. Therefore, she acknowledges that while individuals can be caught and some justice served, the elusive nature of the larger group makes it difficult to eradicate. She compares it to trying to prosecute cancer—a challenging and never-ending task. Moreover, Jeff has been found guilty of gross misconduct and has been dismissed from his job as a police officer. This news brings a mix of emotions as it offers some form of vindication. It reflects the acceptance that complete eradication of such entities may be impossible. This leaves Jack with the need to focus on what she can change to find closure.

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