Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Summary

Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Summary

The book is set in the far-away Island of Sala-ma-Sond, led by the King Yerlte the Turtle. Despite everyone in the pond being happy with the way things were, Yerlte the Turtle wanted a larger kingdom.

He decides that if he can see more land then it automatically falls under his kingdom and therefore, he has a bigger kingdom. As such, he demands a tall throne be built so he can overlook his great kingdom. He uses members of his own kingdom, other turtles, to build a throne of turtles to sit atop.

However, he became frustrated quickly with the throne and demands an even taller throne so he can make his kingdom bigger. Mack, a turtle making up the throne, was at the very bottom and complained about the back pain he was experiencing, which Yerlte the Turtle continues to ignore throughout the book.

Ultimately, the throne becomes so tall that Mack cannot take it anymore and he burps, thus causing the throne to come crashing down. Yerlte the Turtle falls into the pond and instead becomes King of the Mud as that is all he can see now. The other turtles, including Mack, become free of his rule and live happily ever after.

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