
Married life

Dove Cottage (Town End, Grasmere) – home of William and Dorothy Wordsworth, 1799–1808; home of Thomas De Quincey, 1809–1820

In 1802, Lowther's heir, William Lowther, 1st Earl of Lonsdale, paid the £4,000 (equivalent to £451,114 in 2023) owed to Wordsworth's father through Lowther's failure to pay his aide.[20] It was this repayment that afforded Wordsworth the financial means to marry. On 4 October, following his visit with Dorothy to France to arrange matters with Annette, Wordsworth married his childhood friend Mary Hutchinson, at All Saints' Church, Brompton.[8] Dorothy continued to live with the couple and grew close to Mary. The following year Mary gave birth to the first of five children, three of whom predeceased her and William:

  • Rev. John Wordsworth MA (18 June 1803 – 25 July 1875). Vicar of Brigham, Cumberland and Rector of Plumbland, Cumberland. Buried at Highgate Cemetery (west side). Married four times:[21]
    1. Isabella Curwen (died 1848) had six children: Jane Stanley, Henry, William, John, Charles and Edward.
      1. Jane Stanley (1833–1912), who married the Rev. Bennet Sherard Kennedy (an illegitimate son of Robert Sherard, 6th Earl of Harborough) and their son Robert Harborough Sherard became first biographer to his friend, Oscar Wilde.[22]
    2. Helen Ross (died 1854). No children.
    3. Mary Ann Dolan (died after 1858) had one daughter Dora.
      1. Dora Wordsworth (1858–1934)[23]
    4. Mary Gamble. No children.
  • Dora Wordsworth (16 August 1804 – 9 July 1847). Married Edward Quillinan in 1841.
  • Thomas Wordsworth (15 June 1806 – 1 December 1812).
  • Catherine Wordsworth (6 September 1808 – 4 June 1812).
  • William "Willy" Wordsworth (12 May 1810 – 1883). Married Fanny Graham and had four children: Mary Louisa, William, Reginald, and Gordon.

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