Two Degrees Characters

Two Degrees Character List


She is a young girl in her early teens. She owns a horse named Dodger which she considers her best friend. She is keen, cautious, and careful as she notices the little fire and asks her dad to inform the Fire department. She is introverted and does not like her space intruded as seen through her actions when Sue and her dad joined them while hiking. She considers hiking her safe spot for relaxing her mind. She hates her father’s friendliness with strangers. She also does not like arguing with her father especially about the weather although she adores her father so much. They get attacked by the raging fire and have to speed home to save her mother and their horses. Her horse dies and is found at the neighbor’s swimming pool together with other bodies. She gets separated from her dad in the process of escaping the fire.


He is a young boy about thirteen who lives in Manitoba, Canada. He has a best friend known as George. He is a responsible boy who helps his father in their family business of taking people to see polar bears. He is diligent and kind while handling their questions and concerns throughout the tour. He has been helping his parents in the business for three years and loves being the center of attention which makes the job easier for him. He loves his town and does not understand why George and his brothers feel like leaving. They are attacked by bears and they have to fight for their lives. It is ironic that despite having all those information on bears they cannot save themselves and the bear bites them.


He is Owen's best friend since childhood. He is seen to be naughty and lively through the many questions he asks throughout the tour as if he is also one of the tourists. George resented living in Churchill because a lot of things like the movie theaters were inaccessible to them. He hates that they are fewer people in Churchill and therefore fewer interesting social activities. His father works at the Port of Churchill and he also has a brother aged sixteen who cannot stop obsessing about getting out of their town. They get attacked by bears while heading to the fishing cabin and have to fight to keep themselves safe.


Natalie is a young girl who lives with her mother in Miami Florida until their house gets flooded by the hurricane. Her father lives in Cuba. She gets swept by the floods together with her neighbor’s dog, Churro and this separates her from her mother. She gets help through the ordeal and sees a lot of dead bodies along the way.


He is the father of Akira. He is a very friendly man always starting conversations with random people. He likes being contradictory, especially about climate change. He does not believe that humans have something to do with global warming. He gets recharged just from challenging people about contradictory topics. He is caring when he comforts Sue’s father who had panicked about the situation and was crying hysterically. He gets separated from his daughter while escaping the fire.

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